Happy 4th of July from Jack! I apologize for not blogging sooner for those of you waiting with baited breath...we have been so busy tiling and grouting that exhaustion set in before blogging hit the foggy brain.

this is my very cool shower head that spins when it is on...yea, I know...the gadget queen!

my sleek lift the knob to flush toilet

both doors in my room are finally in...closet on the right, bathroom on the left

the linen closet

the kitchen is oh so much closer to being done...the faucet went in today

another view in case the first one wasn't enough

pantry...as you can see, we have lots of painting to do. this weekend it is all about painting! baseboards, door and window trim, crown molding and then doors. a never ending story for a while.

the tile work is done...grout and all...shew, huge job. don't recommend those little 5/8 " tiles at all...lots of work scrubbing the grout off but they sure look nice.

the inside is almost done...can you believe it??? only a few little finishing touches need to be done, besides the painting that we are doing...the outside work will begin next week. the journey is almost over...it will be like Christmas opening up all the boxes that have been packed up and stored in multiple places! Woo-Hoo!
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