Things are a happenin! furniture has arrived and this huge addition is filling up quickly. Some of the heavy oak pieces have already gone to Aaron's house as they are just to big for this space.

Until we can afford the piece we want for this space (nice unit from IKEA) this piece will have to stay.

the office is overflowing with furniture that doesn't have a space yet. we are working furiously to get everything moved around though.

the clock will move to the left a little and it really looks great in this space

this was our last job last night...putting in the pantry shelves

Barbara's room is about finished. she has moved almost all her stuff in (except what is on the POD) and is using it.

the windows in her room were painted and the mini blinds installed

Bed has been made

Aaron helped us put the rest of the closet shelving up and the mini blinds
Oh wow, it looks so familiar already. Soon, soon.